Wednesday, November 22, 2006

At last!

I've been offered a job! And I only went for the interview today! I really got on well with the man I'd be working for and felt we had an instant understanding (no, it was not a lust thing - I don't fancy him and I'm probably old enough to be his mother). Before that I had a chat with and HR person and had to trot out the same old answers to the same old questions: 'Can you give me an example of a time when you .... ' It's so hard to answer those questions and sound fresh and enthusiastic when you've answered them a dozen times (more, in my case!) because you don't want to sound as if you've been looking for work for more than 6 months and are getting desperate. I felt a bit deflated after that. Then I had a test on Excel, which I am not good at - just basic add and subtract, really! So I couldn't do all of that, and some of the bits I could do were pure fluke ... At the end of the Excel test I almost said I didn't think there was any point in wasting the European Financial Director's time but I thought, 'I've come this far...'

Anyway, we seemed to hit it off, he said I was one of the strongest candidates he'd seen (he hadn't seen my Excel test results though ...) and that he only had one more person to see. I went home and phoned the agency to tell them how it had gone and they'd just got off the phone with him - he hadn't even seen this afternoon's candidate and he wanted to offer me the job! YIPPEE! The extra salary will be eaten up with petrol costs because it's 17 miles away, and although it's a shorter working week, my day will be longer because of the travel but I don't care, it's a proper job, doing proper work, not just sorting out the post and reporting leaking toilets like I've been doing for the past 18 months.

They want me to start on 2 January. That means I don't have to give my notice in unti 5 December, and I'm on holiday from 21 December until 3 December anyway (offices close, plus I've taken 2 days extra). With the overtime I've done recently, and the holiday I'll have accrued to the end of the year, I could actually finish on 11 December - effectively only 1 week's notice. How funny that would be, considering it takes them a good 3 months to get around to placing an ad for staff ... HA HA HA ! And I wouldn't feel bad AT ALL about leaving certain colleagues to pick up the pieces, seeing as they've been so quick to put me down all the time. If they think they can do the job better or do without me, let them try.

I will miss some of my colleagues. Some, I can't wait to see the back of...


Anonymous said...

AT LAST !!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

WELL DON!!! I'm really pleased that you've got something that sounds good and its not simply a "I'm a Sane person get me out of here!" kind of job. New Year, New Job!! Great news. Are you taking Mozzie? You could sit her on your pc screen like people who work in finance depts who have little beanie bag toys on their screens.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Linda,

You once said to me "If I'm still here by Christmas, shoot me." Ahh, I was thinking about polishing my gun this weekend!!