Sunday, March 23, 2008

Freezing cold and chat rooms

I've had no central heating for 3 weeks now. I've managed to borrow an electric heater for the lounge, but I'm not able to carry it upstairs, so if I need to do anything on the computer I have to type quickly before my fingers freeze. Even now, I can't feel my face!

I thought I'd forget my ice extremities and go and have a chat in a chat room somewhere, but what's happened? I used to be able to go into AOL and chat with other 40-somethings, or visit the 'Pub' for a game of trivia, but there seem to be no chat rooms at all, only message boards! Nothing to take my mind off my popsicle toes ... Forgive the ManTran reference :)

So I'm off to bed, so cold that it will take me until morning to thaw ... I may have to put my bobble hat on ...

Happy Easter! Hope you are warmer than I am!

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