Thursday, December 07, 2006

I did it!

I handed in my notice. My soon-to-be-ex line manager didn't seem surprised and we discussed it very calmly. I gave him my letter of confirmation and when he read it his face fell when he got to the final paragraph, which basically put the blame on him - which is where it belongs! If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be leaving. If I'd had a more supportive line manager, who gave a damn about me, my career and my development, I'd have been more than happy to sit here and work for a few hours a day and then play on the internet for the rest of the time and collect what is, after all, a reasonable salary at a place with a good pension, not far from home, good holidays and a very flexible attitude to working hours.

My new job is miles away, the working week is longer, the holidays aren't as good and they don't have flexi-time. The new salary will all be swallowed up in travel costs and I'll need to change my car sooner than I'd planned, so I don't think pointing the finger at my line manager is too unreasonable.

Anyway, what's done is done, and I'm looking forward to a proper job in the new year, one where I don't spend my days trying to find things to do and being hassled about faulty toilet flushes and flickering lights.

I would like to be a fly on the wall, though, when the Big Bosses call my line manager in to talk to him about why I'm leaving ... Who, dear? Me, dear? Vindictive, dear? Yes, dear!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go it, girl :)

Good to know you got out with your sanity intact....