Thursday, July 19, 2007

Barcelona or bust!

When I told my friend Bunny Anne that I was going to Marseille with another friend in October there was a black hole of a silence on the other end of the 'phone. Bunny Anne has been saying for a couple of years now, 'Oh, we must get away for a bit of a break, my treat.' Of course, Bunny being Bunny, nothing has ever come of it, although she has managed to organise 'a bit of a break' for herself and other people in Morocco and Venice.

Bearing in mind the old adage, 'If you want a job done, do it yourself ' I've succumbed to another offer from my friend Ryan - Ryan Air - and called Bunny this morning at work to see if she wanted to go to Barcelona in November. I did issue the stern warning, 'You won't let me down, will you?' because she has let me down on occasions too numerous to mention and if she does it again this time that really will be it. Friendship has its limits, after all!

But I'm not thinking along those lines, I'm just thinking about what a lot I have to look forward to - early October in Marseille, early November in Barcelona and ... (sssh, it's not booked yet and 'many a slip' and all that ...) the week before Christmas in Gran Canaria with work. Yippee!

I do feel a tad guilty about my carbon footprint, however, I haven't flown anywhere in 3 years, my bin is always empty because I recycle everything, I buy 'green' and I don't leave anything on standby, and after these 3 trips this year I probably won't be able to afford to go anywhere for the next five!

1 comment:

steel breeze said...

Avoid the Barcelona Pizza Hut like the plague, unless you wish to spend the next 24 hours in your hotel room talking to the porcelain telephone! Just a tip!

Lovely place and food, apart from that! :)